ExamSmart is an independent exam preparation company specifically dedicated to taking and passing the state exam. Ordering this will provide you with a full license key for the “Classic Version + Videos”. NOTE: Every Sure Win student who completes the entire coursework of the Sure Win 75 hour Broker License education package receives the Exam Smart exam preparation program (Classic + Videos) for free.
- ExamSmart gives you 400 to 500 questions to help prepare you to pass the real estate national topics test and state topics test, plus you get 68 Videos (Including 10 Math Videos).
- Once you order you immediately get an email with the ExamSmart License Key along with directions on how to get started.
- You must register your license key within 6 months otherwise it will not be valid.
- Once registered you have the choice to use the program on any device or to download it to your computer.
- The license key may only be used by one person and will not be valid for anyone else.
- The license key is active for 90 days at a time and renewable for up to one year, at no cost, from your original registration date.
- At registration, these state specific exam choices are currently available AL., AK., FL., GA., IL, IN, KS., MI., MO, NC., SC., TX.